13-13 oct. 2022 Orsay (France)


We are organising the first Paris-Saclay Cytoskeleton Day on October 13, 2022 at Institut Pascal (Orsay). The objective of this day is to bring together the local community of Paris-Saclay working on this research theme, as well as external speakers, in order to encourage new interactions. It is open to researchers from all disciplines, with the participation of PhD students and postdocs being particularly encouraged. Registration is free but mandatory. A website for registration and information will be opened in September for this. Invited speakers: Rut Carballido-López (Institut Micalis, INRAE) Alexis Gautreau (LBSC, Ecole Polytechnique) Benoît Gigant (I2BC, Paris-Saclay), Carsten Janke (Institut Curie, Orsay), Cécile Leduc (Institut Jacques Monod), Guillaume Montagnac (Institut Gustave Roussy), Marie-Emilie Terret (Collège de France) Manuel Théry (Institut de Recherche Saint Louis / CEA Grenoble) Several short talks will also be selected on abstracts. We hope to see many of you there! Christophe Le Clainche and Clément Campillo

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